Friday, October 10, 2008

Defying 'Black October'

My message to CEO's first week of 'Black October'

“Keep a level head and see the opportunities that are there.”
–Fred Ketchen, Scotiabank Investment Guru.

This is an extremely tense but exciting time to be involved in mining in Canada and the choices we make today about our Jr Mining Cos or our investments will tell our tale in years to come.

I feel very strongly that recovery is on its way now that the 850 billion dollar bill passed in Congress and banks and governments internationally are cooperating. Hobson’s Choice or Global Economic Collapse. Duh?

Now is the time to pitch to the “cherry-pickers” looking for the hot deals, buying low. Now is the time to show that your enterprise has fundamental value, a sound rationale for valuing its properties, and this moment as an excellent time to jump into the game.

Great opportunities are abounding now especially with those companies which boast promising properties and a management team of unadulterated integrity.

That’s the message I believe you, as CEO, should be getting out now, defying the pessimists and reminding investors everywhere how much you believe in your operations. Besides, panicking doesn’t become the CEO of an important and prestigious corporation.

Call me today and be part of my inaugural issue, Harry Langen’s Mining.NOW. The astute in the industry will be sure not to miss this provocative new magazine. All 40,000 of them.

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