Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Leadership Credentials?

The following letter was posted to the Vancouver Sun and The Globe and Mail on Sept 26th.

The only way this amateur pundit can imagine the victory of the Liberals is if Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae step up to the plate more aggressively; or if they have, that the general media cover their speeches. Otherwise, ordinary Canadians are being shortchanged as to the qualitiies and benefits of these particular statesmen and the real contribution they can make to all Canadians.

To focus soley on the leaders of the respective parties seems too much inclined to personalities (Harper the Mortician and Dion the fussy professor) and not the principles of those parties. While it seems so cheap for people to hop parties, regardless of principle, I felt I understood Rae's swapping parties. Why not have sway to bring about good change? Not an unusual dilemma I suppose.

Let us not discourage too many worthy potential candidates. Just keep an eye. Keep an eye on the moral compass of your candidates.

To paraphrase the core statement of the Vedic Sciptures re politics as found in the Baghavad Gita: "Politics is the eternal sea of Maya (darkness and confusion, up and down chaos)."

But what choice do we have? Hobson's choice is all. Hope is our ultimate and only choice and intellect is a reasonable guide. Why not sail on with some comfort? -end

So now we can not only see what little role did these two play in the campaign but we can now reasonably presume that by their quietness they were angling for leadership positioning since having allowed the captain of their ship to steer into the fog, and likely political oblivion. I can't imagine worse leadership credentials than the sharpness of your blade and skill at shoving it in from behind.

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