Sunday, August 24, 2008

Clinton Supporters Going To McCain
What happened to those Hilary Clinton supporters' Democratic Party principles? Their bloody sour grapes can cost the whole globe's welfare. Crippling Obama's election campaign will only deliver another four years of Bush-style creepiness. What cretins.

China Gushing

The Globe and Mail,
The Vancouver Sun

Dear Editors,

All this gushing in the general media about how niftily the powers-that-be in China handled the Olympics and the assorted sentimental ceremonies serves to eliminate or diminish the memory of their brutal management of the students at Tiananmen Square.

How about some real investigative reporting and find out what happened to the lone rebel student who faced down the line of tanks that day (like yesterday) on June 5th, 1989.

His name remains obscured and his fate unknown.

Why not let us all see what became of him and then give the Chinese government their due?