Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunset on Martha

When those geese fly home at night
to sleep as we do in the wilderness
Wild yet sane, safe in an unsafe life
we make ready our slumber together.

When wild geese fly home at night
after a hard day's work on the shores of time
Being chased by wolves all day who prey at their living very seriously...

When wild geese fly home at night
Over our tents in bright delight
they sing songs in rhythmic cadences
flying choruses --- acapella
they fly as-only-they-can-fly.
Yet flinging solo it's through the air waves
No less than Lester's, Young their voices swung!

Like Bird they sing. Dizzy with Miles to bring Home waiting in their wings the willingness to punctuate that evening sun with soulful freedom.
That's wild percussively wild, Monk wild Man, woman, child!

And now to beaver's pond they fade
where softer grasses in those lovely meadows cling
With love to be at rest with those loving them singing a silent encore: "Once more once'!
Only their fairy shadows dancing to
A time that is all eternity.

-Johnson Hartman

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father

Help me.

Every day. All day show me Your grace.

Help me to find You.

Help me to cool my temper that I may know your warmth.

Help me to still my tongue that I may Know your Will eternal.

And do Your Will with Joy.

Give me Father your life divine…

That I may enjoy every moment of every day as one beacon of your Everlasting Light.

Give me the strength to resist all temptations which attempt to put asunder Your eternal Love, that I may in turn Love.

Help me Father in Every Way that I may know continuity.

Increase me that I may Know You.
