Saturday, October 15, 2016

Nero Played Fiddle. Obama Flashed His Teeth

The Winning(?) Smile
The sun is setting on the presidency of Barack Obama. The “Hope and change” era has come and gone. ISIS has murdered, beheaded, burnt and slaughtered countless men, women and children and still occupies pockets of Syria, Iraq, West Africa and elsewhere. Their numbers have increased with the promise of the ‘value package’: a pay cheque, a gun and a woman. Their ideology is totally scrambled but somehow it’s enough to inspire morons around the world to commit cowardly acts of mayhem – suicide bombings; nightclub patron massacres; marketplace bombings etc etc. They really don’t care who they kill. Obama has permitted Putin to invade the Ukraine while their military was on parade in Kiev; bomb the hell out of Aleppo in a wicked little deal with the maniacal Bashar Al-Assad regime and with his thumbs screwed into his ears, wagging his fingers at Obama at every turn, gloating. Putin has identified Obama as a pussy and is crossing that ‘red line’ repeatedly and with riotous nonchalance.
    About two years ago, I suggested in this e-zine a simple plan to resolve the ISIS crisis: In concert with civilized European countries, Declare War on ISIS and their confederate organizations. Simultaneously (so no one country would be targeted for revenge).  With intelligence provided by drones and CIA agents on the ground, ten or so countries could then mobilize the ground forces in such overwhelming numbers as to wipe these bastards off the face of the earth.  No refugee crisis would have evolved. Nobody drowning in the Mediterranean or dying on marathon hikes out of the country.  Obama, much pleased with his glorious speechifying and Hollywood handsomeness, fumbled, dithered and procrastinated. The whole time the murderous thug, Putin, was having and still is having a grand time selling his brand (himself) to his people. The Russians are buying it and willing to suck up the sanctions.
      The other strategy to defeat terrorist organizations is to outlaw the hosting on the internet any such messages which would provoke violence. Crash their internet outreach. And then: the media should never publish pictures of i.e. the Orlando killer or any of the so-called lone wolves. They don’t exist. Don’t give them one second of fame let alone 15 minutes or weeks of it.
    In this writer’s view, all of this should have been implemented years ago during Obama’s first tenure. He will retire with that million dollar smile and the ghastly legacy of millions of innocents dead and a totally destabilized Syria and Iraq and the other morally weak nations following suit.
    The United Nations allows the Russian ambassador to veto any just reciprocation to this ongoing slaughter in Syria. This makes the Council a joke, an embarrassment and its uselessness exposed by the lack of will on the part of civilized countries to do anything. Saudi Arabia is quietly playing their chess game on both sides of the table as are other countries who could bring to bear their military might and make the significant changes that are screaming desperately to be made. Just listen to the bloodied children wailing after their homes and family have been bombed all to hell.
     We have gone to war for a lot less.
     The only positive aspects of Obama’s legacy are the Affordable Care Act (which needs serious reconstruction) and thanks to his wife, Michelle, the prevention of Donald Trump from becoming president. Not much for eight years. 

    With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau riding high in the popularity poll, why couldn’t he prevail now upon these countries and instigate this aggressive but sensible plan?  He needs to find his military pants. Enough smiling, folks. Roll up your sleeves, man up and do the right thing. Annihilate ISIS.  Obama has until January.  Pick up the phone, Justin.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Leaps of Faith

As the author of this book and two others previously, I take a leap of faith in a readership.  It takes years to write a book, especially when the writer is not independently wealthy, and the time it takes is a sacrifice.

It's your turn to take a leap.

Similar to ordering from the net, it takes time to deliver the product. Your product will be delivered on November 15th at the book launch. If by then there are not more than 500 orders for this title, the contest will be cancelled - no treasure chest.

The onus is on the readership now. My work is done.