Sunday, June 16, 2013

We are the words we hear. We are the words we speak. Speaking is a way of sustaining mental health. Agree or not to agree doesn't matter. Engage and allow your humanity to be engaged. Eventually you may discover peace through words of grace.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Finding a Family

After 40 years someone in my immediate family found a broom and found me. About which I, as a great uncle, uncle, brother etc, am pleased.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Close the zoos.

They are not the healthy environment for any animal. Send the animals back to their familes, their natural territories. Let elephants prance with their cousins. Let the tigers find their prey.

Open more museums and science centres for children and the rest of us to understand the globe we live on. Punishing animals for our minor entertainment and little edification is worse than inhumane.