Let’s get some publicity and attractive window display for our book(s) at a retail shop that we own. As a group we can afford to rent a store downtown Vancouver and each author will get one week of window display and chance to read and promote their work intensely throughout that week. Before and after, their work will be on the shelf with posters and such to attract attention of the browsers; and as an incentive to the shoppers the writers will always be welcome to commingle on site with their would-be readers. And hobnobbing with fellow writer/authors, some of whom may be wildly successful, might be fun, huh?
To keep costs down, I propose that, given enough of us, we could each do a 4 – 6 hour cashier shift per fortnight and keep the store open from 8 – 8. Other books can be ordered from our computer access to amazon.com at wholesale rates; but the focus of the store will be to promote local writers.
The readings and access to the authors should generate some public interest and hopefully may cover the monthly cost of running the operation. If enough authors are relying on a print-on-demand process, perhaps we could look into printing and binding our own work in the ‘back room.’
It’s all just germinating now so let me know if this idea appeals to you. And if you are enthused about this and would like to see this idea come to fruition then call me about how I can best allocate a half hour a month of your time.
For more on me, see www.deadsearevelation.com or have a cruise around my e-zine at www.ebaybanner.blogspot.com
Cheers, and hope to hear from you.
- Harry Langen

1 comment:
As I am just heading out now to my local bookstore (new and used) to purchase anything they have by Robert Lowell, I must concur with Harry's contention that "bricks and mortar" is important for writers.
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