Saturday, April 25, 2009

April*Bonked and Book*Whirled

On Good Friday after working up some Easter stew with my boyfriend I was knocked down on the sidewalk close to my home and left there bleeding from the crown. By my by-then ex-boyfriend. He was angry, infuriated actually, that he couldn’t stay with me past the curfew of 3:30 pm. imposed by the building management; imposed because of his previous violence against me. Someone escorted me back to my building entrance and the cops and ambulance appeared very soon as I continued bleeding. I deferred going to the hospital for a couple of stitches choosing to go upstairs to bed. I didn’t want Stephen persecuted by the system; but since then he has shown little remorse and made no contact except to ask me to take him out for a beer.

Meanwhile, I was happily contemplating the article about my book to be written by Chris Keam for Alan Twigg, the publisher of B.C. Bookworld, offering 100,000 readers. A measly 1200 words was the assignment but the readership claim was substantial.
Keam, after interviewing me and commenting, “If I can’t write this story I’m not worth my pen” did not read the book, The Dead Sea Revelation, and actually phoned Twigg and pooh-poohed me. Thanks Keam for your sloth. Since when is it correct for a freelance writer to trash a B.C. author to the publisher of B. C. Bookworld? Since, I suppose, the publisher permits such nonsense, being the author of these words: “I have determined he (Keam) is not sufficiently confident that your perspective is as viable as you feel it is, and he is no longer eager to proceed.”
Huh? I am a writer of ideas and use fiction to enchant the reader. The reviews have been entirely favourable ( but here we have two ‘professionals’ who don’t even read the text before condemning it. So much for Vancouver’s typical support of writers. Writers are our only hope to justify theater and art. Goodnight to April.

AND TO ALL WRITERS RE THE BOOKSTORE: Hang on. Still checking the numbers re feasability. I am thankful for the thoughtful support shown by so many.

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