Monday, July 04, 2011


It was witnessed by the world time and time again as the media washed us in the shame of the Stanley Cup Vancouver riots. So much for being one of the most desirable cities to live in... but still one of the most expensive. And therein may lie an explanation for this hidden culture of gangsterism. It is indeed hard to compete with the throngs of Asians appearing on our coast and buying everything in sight; then leaving the condos vacant while the homeless and war veterans tread about on our poop-ridden streets below populated by aggressive hit-and-run drivers leering at us with their smug faces hidden behind their cellphones. But no excuse for the thuggery we all had to suck in that night the Canucks blew their last chance to win the over-hyped Holy Grail of their sport. Perchance the thuggery is somewhat more induced by what we see on the screens of one of our innumberable sports bars during one of these 'professional' games. Delivering a concussion appears to be a strategy these days to win a point. Just ask Sydney Crosby.
But I'm having some difficulty with our new neighbours trying to configure how they configure the relationship they have rationalized between being a Chinese Communist and a Capitalist. Why not Communist Radio next? Free speech and all that. And how 'bout an invigorated Communist party to match while Chinatown business owners and elders, as usual, scowl at most of us home-grown Canadians for whatever guilt we're supposed to be carrying for having them by their choice carry our laundry lo those many decades ago?
I'm no racist but even a professor at UBC recently asked the question as entitled in his essay published in the UBYSSEY: "Too Asian?" The question gains legitimacy the longer too many of our new neighbours hold out their sneers to the cap-in-hand of the homeless and prefer to tribalize among their own; and ignore wholly our history, sociology and why we are still proud - though outnumbered here in Vancouver - to call ourselves Canadian.

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Whether you're a Monarchist, an Anarchist or just an indifferent Populist kinda guy, it was perhaps even for all of us a breath of some relief to see crowds of thousands act with civility while two young people (of some privilege no question) came to visit. And that helicopter show on the lake? Try that on an open ocean during a storm. Glug glug. Bye Bye Crown. But fascinatoring, eh?

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Having been a patron of Vancouver pubs, bars, restaurants and other unmentionable late-night establishments, I believe I have always conducted myself with civility, albeit booze-inspired exuberance occasionally for some 40+ years now. And so far I have been barred by two – one in the west end and the other a popular cave on Cambie Street. Both barrings were the result of slander-slushing patrons or barkeeps or waiters who took umbrage to my presence for one baseless reason or another.
The west end bar tossed me for “slandering” someone there. Interesting: inasmuch as I didn't know anyone there it would be quite the trick to slander them. The actual reason was because I didn't tip the sluggish waitress-with-attitude and she fed the manager enough bilge to get me turfed going on now for two years. Yawn. Used to be a good spot for a game of pool there on Comox.
The other was even more lame: I got tossed because the manageress didn't want to lose a big gambler's patronage. Yawner again. Ironic that the next day was “Customer Appreciation Day.” She never did read the signed, complimentary copy of my book I gave her two years before. Am I yawning too much?

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The word “Worship” has always been a bugaboo for me even when I was trying to keep from becoming a buggered altar boy.
Since when would any father want to be worshipped? It occurs to me that any good father would be more interested in being acknowledged and if lucky – known.
So why can't we see the same sense in knowing the 'heavenly father'?
And as weather so often comprises our sense of common divinity (How's the weather out your way?), imagine the continuity of joy if one were to know the personality of the sun?
(This piece was conceived and written on July 4th before viewing in Vancouver a corona in the firmament - a wide rainbow encircling the sun.)
I'm not yawning now.

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