Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hello Vancouver. Is anybody home?

Our American friends visiting us are staggered by creepy attitudes and hours of service in this squeaky, pretentious town called Vancouver… named after a brave man.

Who gets their newspaper before two pm? Why is the beer store closed at six?

When you want service with a scowl, go to the most boring Chinatown in the world (right here) or visit your local post office.

And by the way, try the sidewalks these days. The youngin’s think you’re invisible. They walk through you with their stretch-doggie leashes. And you can always depend on skateboarders to roar up your ass. Or get an involuntary pedicure by aggressive hit-and-runners. They paid their way here and don't give a crap about Canadians (my family coming here from the mid 1700's.)

Oh, did I miss something? Read both newspapers written by the same hacks.

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