Wednesday, December 10, 2014


My Christmas Message

Those silent moments when all about
   flows and makes perfect sense;
When all the wrongs are made right
   and furtive shadows flee;
And the man of worried brow, though burdened with woes,
   may know he too belongs. In that moment then he knows.

He belongs in that fluid time freely given.
  All to hear that creation is a song.
Each wayfaring soul then it enchants
   each of us, each of us all come to dance. 

Come to dance! Come to dance!
   Each of us to belong, to belong;
To belong at last in sweet embrace.
   Each footfall this song enchants!

In the rich weave, that blood-red weave,
   we sail and swing, sail and swing!
All hearts alight, limbs alive,
   hearts alight and limbs alive!
Hearing the secrets of a song
   that whisper of a blessing,
  and in a sweet embrace at last to belong.
At last to belong. Ne’er again to leave.
Ne’er again. Ne’er again to leave.

All I Want for Christmas

A happy mailman. A patient and more cooperative bus driver. Don’t leave us panting after you in a cold downpour! (Maybe these professionals could take fewer poison union pills?)

Civil drivers, especially among our immigrants who seem hell bent to import their aggressive and dangerous driving habits into their host country. Not nice.

Let all our crossing guards be allowed to high-five the little pedestrians (see recent news story re banning them from any touching). Lighten up folks!

New Christmas songs. How ‘bout it all you Vancouver creative types? Haven’t we heard ad nauseam about We Three Kings of Orient Were…?

More face to face smiling with strangers which translates to LESS TEXTING!

More respect for our elders (now that I’ve become one).

Less pornography. What happened to Ladies and Gentlemen?

Merry Christmas all.


The Buck Stops Here.

Enough already. The native trick of guilting the white folk has run its course. That dance is over. Put away your war drums and let’s stop pretending that aboriginals of North America ever believed in private property ownership and entitlement to certain tracts of land. Most tribes fought among themselves for river control for fishing and some fought for hunting ground. No lines were drawn in the dirt to delineate private land belonging to tribe or nation. Just ask your grandfathers. Those elders. Remember them?

It was the white lawyer who got your braids in a knot when he suggested you could trounce all us white folk for betraying land deals of yesteryear. Yawn. Ancient history. (Any aliens out there?)

It’s time to get to a resolution. No more fancy dancing to get up our skirts with little guilt trips nipping at our nuts.

So here’s the deal. (Or at least my idea.)
All land currently described as reserve land must immediately be handed over as their private property, including its resources. Hands off feds. No more leasing, or fussing about or insinuating your laws into their private holdings. Let them build their own homes and be assured of having enough land that they can sustain themselves with gardening, fishing and hunting etc. Let them knit, quilt, carve, howl, sing, tap-dance, drum- pound and holler all they like. And let them have whatever industry they choose to put on their property including casinos… open even to us naive white folk, (and what a perfectly ironic way for them to get a little old-fashioned revenge. Booze us and fleece us at the gaming table!)  Let them carve whatever the hell they want and sell it for whatever the hell they can get, (even those boogie-man masks). They can bring back their languages and their hunting ways etc etc. It's hands off feds.

And if the urban native is a drunk, then send him back to his reserve and let their counsellors, elders and family spend the time, energy and the cost of the rehabilitation.

Further: all natives must be guaranteed an education right through to university completion, hopefully with an emphasis on trades-orientation. And throughout this education, inasmuch as it is likely to occur off-reserve, all natives must be guaranteed free housing for that entire duration and a modest food stipend.

With this program in place, it then precludes all negotiations related to huge funds transfers or ongoing financings of dubious band councils or any further ancient settling of affairs.

And that’s where the buck stops.


It’s high time to clear up another mess.

The president of Germany had the balls (Ms Merkel no less) to finally admit that multiculturalism has failed. Too much tribalizing of immigrants; too many lawyers in the mix; too may freebies at the original Canadians’ expense; too much of a free ride while we originals carry all their bills for refugee claimants right up to rich importers of horrible manners; aggressive driving techniques; cultural indifference to our sociology and our history – you know that stuff that makes us Canadian? Heretofore, the prospective immigrant must know our language, our customs, our history, our economic ways, our driving habits etc etc. and be willing to read and sign a document along the lines of an Immigrants’ Charter of Responsibilities – akin perhaps to what the Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau co-scripted and allowed me to publish as The Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities. As Mr Trudeau made very plain to me, "If we have rights then we must also have responsibilities." We do have rights thanks to him as enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; now let's take that next step and insist that immigrants' acknowledge that they have responsibilities to their host country. This new charter is just a document to help remind them that they are here in our glorious land of endlessly beautiful resources by our permission and our willingness to accept them into our midst and we have reasonable expectations that they will behave civilly and contribute to our cultural and sociological mosaic in a positive and well-mannered way.

No more buying one’s citizenship for $200,000 invested. No more stacking families in single family homes. No more tribalizing. No more lawyers at our expense. No more sneering at us from aggressively driven jaguars and other such arrogant nonsense. (I monitor the drivers every day and the aggressive ones who push their way through offering free, involuntary pedicures to pedestrians, are easily 90% Asians.) If you want a piece of our beautiful pie, get busy and set that table and by God wash the dishes too.  


It’s time to DISARM the Canadian Police Forces. Period. Follow the Brit model where those brave beat cops march about their neighbourhood unarmed except for a swinging baton and manage quite nicely diffusing the criminal problems, arresting the ding-dongs, tackling the a-holes etc etc with never a shot fired – except in extreme circumstances when special armed squads are brought in – and even then they have only had only three shootings by their entire force in one year. If it works for them…

This goon squad business of over-militarizing our police is exactly backwards and leads to cops murdering drunk dummies, the mentally ill wielding pencils, or threatening the world with a two by four. 

The cops are getting away with murder. Period. That has to stop. They show up in gangs and tend to panic and reach for their firearm before even an attempt is made to diffuse the situation. Who after all in our lovely country wants to emulate the over-armed urban Yankee cop all hung-over and trigger-happy? This isn’t Hollywood, folks. It’s Canada. Remember?


Radical Islamists under whatever pretext in whatever country are murdering innocent women, children and men. Corrupt Mexican mayors and cartels are  equally guilty of atrocities. Some countries are overwhelmed and unable to fend off these attacks. The monstrous, deluded perpetrators must be stopped and annihilated. The United Nations is fraught with political complexities, and is legitimately suspect of the political influences of its membership.

Is it not time to incorporate an international fighting force mandated to thwart and put an end to these extremist maniacal organizations? Why not cull from every civilized nation in the world our best fighters equipped with the most modern military equipment and intelligence to bring about the long overdue demise of these radicalized murderers? Let these murderous zealots taste first hand absolute military defeat at the hands of an internationally sanctioned army of ‘super-warriors.’ Why not a bring to bear a global police force serving all countries in dire need of being freed from the terrifying grip of rampaging murderers mouthing off their bizarre dictums?  Write a simple, clear constitution to guide them and give them a clear path to respond with alacrity to these growing threats. Equip them with every ounce of military firepower the world can muster and give them a straight shot across any border under attack.

Like hell yes it’s time!

For example: after besieging the Islamist radicals, charge this global force start with the burning of the poppy fields of Afghanistan specifically responsible for the production of the world's heroin and replace them all with another sustainable, unhurtful and tradeworthy crop of export. 

No Surprise Here

And is it any surprise that it’s precisely from a generation of violent video game players that these Islamist killers are finding their recruits? Nope. No surprise there… while mummies and daddies everywhere planted their children in front of these ‘benign’ little babysitting game screens they fertilized the adolescents' mental ground with murderous seeds.

“Oh good on you Johnny! How many points for that beheading, sweetie?"

Meanwhile, an international band of righteous teachers of sorts can outlaw all web sites preaching Jihadist doctrine; and wipe out any internet access whatsoever to this kind of mindbending propaganda. Clean that blackboard, please!

It’s time for a global challenge to this very real border-crossing threat to world stability.

Let's design and put in place this global moral compass... and give it teeth. 

The Mindless Approach to Mindfulness Programming

This is bordering on mesmerism and student programming.


NOTE: To all and sundry politically correct, self-appointed language and racism monitors: Allow me to assure you that I am equally offensive to the gay (weird word) hypocritical ‘community’ of riotously sexually active attention hogs; the whining minorities of any stripe or colour; the whining majorities of generations X, Y, Z and the millennial text-blahzers; the militant poisonous unions; lawyers who charge by the syllable; snoozing judges; prosecutors; jailers; the dope-addicted; the drunks; the wealth addicted; the police who “slow down and drive by” dope dealing en route to their free pay cheques; and the deliberately unemployed anarchists; and if I’ve left anybody out be sure to keep those cards and letters coming.

Remember: in a thoroughly corrupt society, any agitation may be a righteous act, (with the exception of violence, unlawfulness and anarchistic aimlessness).   

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