Monday, June 01, 2015

Salvaging the Soul of Gastown

Can't Go Wrong with this man's music. Go brother, go!
Hey folks! Guess what? Steam clocks don't talk. Boo hoo. So no matter how many pictures you take of the quirky little machine which pretends to run on steam, you will hear nothing from it that can deliver to you the one simple message: Where is the soul of Gastown?
James singing and playing hauntingly beautifully.

Dale, whose passion and note perfect play, will stop any thoughtful listener.

That answer can only be found in having conversation with those human beings (my cultural heroes) who almost every day earn their keep entertaining you with their songs, their voices, their guitar picking, their drumming and their passionate commitment to music. Here is a just a sample of some of them at work, for you.

So next time you're strolling in Gastown and browsing at the T Shirt and trinket shops, high end restaurants of dubious service and food, why not express your own humanity, make a new acquaintance and perhaps appreciate the real soul of Gastown, the one that you will find in the concerted efforts of these fine people.

His hands whirl about the skins of his drums as he raises money not only for himself but for young drum students who can't afford to buy their own instruments. His motto: More drums. Less guns.

Landon, Bongo Drummer of PEI and Saltspring Island, taking a break to exercise his dog at Andy Livingston Park.

Most Capable Artist and Happy Conversationalist
Native artisans, a happy crew at the lemonade stand; artist; and the Fertile Artists Post card duet.
The Other Half of Fertile Graphics

Fertile Graphics ebullient saleslady and artist

Happy Lemonade Stand  (reminds me of my little stand!)
Native Artisan
Mathew Lennox
Just trying to get home...

Wild Cat Gal

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