Wednesday, July 11, 2007

B.C. Surplus?

Dear Globe and Mail Editor,

So Carole Taylor and her criminal partner, Premier something Campbell (see Hawaii driving record and his hesitation to admit to his identity at the cop-shop) are now boasting about a $4.1 billion provincial "surplus."

Ask anybody who considers themselves a Vancouverite and then tourists: Why is this city suffering such growing numbers of helplessly depressed and then deliberately addicted numbers of young and old alike? These sons and daughters and otherwise (when not desperate) decent human beings have been tossed off welfare (that extremely inadequate monthly pittance) so this creepy government and lovely Carole and her 'budget' shoes can brag and dance about reducing the bean-count of welfare recipients.

Would somebody please rescue this province from this ethical evacuation we call leadership here? Corky (former NDP leadership candidate): Are you out there? Mr Evans, please?

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