Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Friends and Sprites

The day before yesterday I was sitting out front with my dear friend, Stephen, and while we were enjoying each other's company - quietly as he is disposed to be rather untalkative - we saw what appeared like a little sprite dancing about the lawn right in front of us. It seemed like its personality was playful and mischievous. I was quite excited having seen my first faerie, the whole while Stephen seemed to be taking it all in his usual stride, which is a kind of lope and sweep. Finally, my upstairs neighbour, Jim arrived and saw the origin of this little light emanation - it was a reflection from his upstairs neighbour, John's yellowish, glittering fabric studded with rhinestones all being windblown.

Oh well. Maybe I'll find a leprachaun sometime before I expire and tell you all about it.

Meanwhile, I have been hosting guys living 'rough' and one at a time they sleep on my floor, snoring in peace at last and help themselves rather aggressively to the fridge. I think they eat out of fear of starvation. But they are each great company for a man like me. They're adventurers and just need some TLC. And a bigger fridge.

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