Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Clock is Ticking

Our planet is being plundered. Animal species are increasingly endangered of becoming extinct. There is an ocean of plastic strangling our sea beasts. The rainfall is poisoned and the rivers polluted even when there is nothing upstream to explain the sickly deluge. The masses are frightened and have abandoned all moral sense. The wealth-addicted have presumed the authority to continue their devastation of our natural resources on a global scale and the ordinary person is feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the unchecked onslaught. Corporations have been given person status thus legitimizing their psychopathic conduct and they are behind the wheel of the bulldozers uprooting our lives and creating a wild imbalance. Welcome to the dark side of the Doomsday Clock and the results of collective inertia.

We did not entitle the wealth-addicted to take such unmitigated liberties with our earth and its creatures; our seas and the rivers; even our mountain streams and the skies. How many more whales will beach themselves and how many more bumblebees will perish before we demand that the obscenely rich pay their dues back to the earth, back to the air we breathe and back to the extremely impoverished who are the victims of this hysteria. The obsessed bean-counters need to be taken to task. The few people among us who have not misplaced their moral compass need to speak up, to agitate, to arouse the populace of what’s left of the civilized world to raise a banner and a sword if need be to arrest the devastating industrial activity, to take the keys back and drive our ecology back to some semblance of balance, and sanity.

Or is it too late? Is the damage done irreversible? Some scientists would, despairing, say Yes. Yes it is too late. But what choice do we have? We have to act.

And the first place to start would be with those elements of the establishment which support the status quo; which protect the avenues of outrageous wealth accumulation and blatant greed. Start at your bank. Withdraw your money. You can count. Disengage from these institutions which extract your cash at the expense of your time and your peace of mind. To hell with their management of your capital, their creepy fees and their penalties. Then withdraw your consumer support of those products which are superfluous in your life. Assure that you do not buy products from any corporation which pays its CEO’s and directors any more than two million dollars a year. Identify the parent companies of all those household products which they tell us repeatedly that we need and just stop buying these poisons. Interfere with this ghastly, death-delivering cycle. And until the production of plastic shopping bags is outlawed, bring your own bag to carry home your goods. These are a few simple tips that could have a real impact. You can have an impact. No more excuses.

And then insist that the few super-rich who manage the bulk of the capital of the world they don’t wait until they’re dead to bequeath their money to charity but to use it now before its too late to buy the land required to protect the endangered species around the globe. Buy in Africa, India, and those countries which host the last of the remaining numbers of our tigers, elephants, rhinos et al and soon to add to this grim list the elegant, iconic giraffe.

Can we turn the tide?
In the last 50 years we have lost 60% of all of our species. Extinct. Never to return. The bell is ringing. Keep sounding that alarm in your every conversation. Interrupt the digi-dolts on their texting toys to communicate to them the urgency of this message.

And support the creation of rehab farms rather than jails to help people to rediscover the magnificence of their humanity, their integrity, their morals and their blossoming health. We will need all that renewed brainpower to chip in to this revolution. 

Maybe then. Maybe. Maybe the righteous will raise the banner high enough and wave it with such determined vigor that hope will return.   

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