Sunday, July 03, 2005

Expectation of Violence

Lest we forget: What we are seeing as news is always someone’s decision to call it that. And we have the world we have today because these news ‘editors’ have been showcasing these violent and salacious episodes repeatedly, until we all believe that’s what we should be expecting as the news.

Our most civilized societies are populated by gamers actually rewiring their brains and genetically predisposing their children to violence, burning into their minds a murderous anatomical signature and this diabolical process of dehumanization is abetted by American propagandists who have inveigled themselves into our moral climate with their vague declaration of a ‘war on terror.’

Our endlessly bland and deliberately unintellectual Canadian broadcasters are equally victims of this issuance of editorial war-pap. But in that they are not challenging the fundamental concepts which increase our sense of isolationism in this society, the editors here are becoming entirely culpable for their continued complacency.

The Asper Doctrine: Just shut-up and buy another (and bigger) car.