Sunday, July 10, 2005

"Post Kyoto?"

Even taking the minimum figure of 22,000, Bush’s war team has scored at least 18,800 more civilian kills than the Al Qaeda. And the fact remains that if Bush hadn’t sent his American boys (and girls) in there in the first place, he wouldn’t have aroused so much fanatical Muslim ire against the western world which stunned Londoners saw the consequence of this week. All he had to do was isolate Bin Laden and his murderous cells with correct intelligence and he could have saved thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, which might then have been spent to aid Africa and finance doing the right thing about climate warming.

Rather, our world in peril has been put at greater risk with all the cowboying going on from the Yanks and now the serious and immediate climate problems have been shifted to the back burner while Georgie B introduces a new term to continue his country’s compliance with industry polluters: “Post Kyoto,” as he spins into a vague strategy for “a better way forward.” Just buying more time to placate the polluters and as to his schedule where any significant and meaningful changes might be enforced upon the American industries and consumers? After he’s dead while we’re all sucking his wind.

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