Sunday, July 17, 2005


As a long time resident of the Commercial Drive Area, and a former member of the Local resident's association (GWAC) I wish to express my dismay at the actions I witnessed on Friday June 15th at approximately 6:30 PM.

A busker with disabilities (many of us on the Drive know him simply as the old man with the puppets) was accosted by no less than four police officers.

His crime? Busking near the liquor store under the "safe streets act".

When I asked one of the officers why? He said: "We had to come because they called us" (pointing to the Liquor Store).

In response, I called George Hayman - manager at the BC liquor store on the Drive. He did not care about the disabled man, didn't seem interested in my complaint and blamed the Commercial Drive Business Association's private security guards which now regularly patrol the Drive harassing panhandlers, buskers, and anyone who doesn't have that Kitsilano shopping and spending gaze.

The Drive has long been a tolerant community. Not any more, if you are poor, disabled, and doing your best to make ends meet through busking, the business community has a message for you: Get lost or we will sick the police on you. The Drive will be gentrified for the rich property owners and to hell with the marginalised.

Where is our so called "progressive" COPE City Hall members? And what about our so-called progressive MP and MLA?
We need action to stop the harassment of the marginalised and those who cannot afford $1500 + a month in rent.
Express your outrage, call and complain.

BC Liquour Store (DRIVE), George Hayman (Manager): 604-660-9088
Grandview Woodlands Community Policing Centre 604 717-2932
(The CPC supports sweeps of the Drive and is against poor people,
panhandlers and buskers)
COPE (your so called progressive City Hall members) 604-255-0400
-P Lyons

Copwatch mailing list

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sick to death of being panhandled by drunks and others in front of liquor stores. I heartily support the Liquor Stores who call in police. They should do it more often!!!! Get these bums off the streets. If they can't afford the rents in Vancouver, perhaps they should move to Saskatchewan.