Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fat Worms in the Woodwork

Running as an independent is becoming an attractive means for a man committed to raising the banner for revolutionizing corrupt governments and the people are beginning to consider this option as being entirely acceptable now that they’ve had decades (most of their adult lives) witnessing the unseemly business going on in their houses of legislation and Parliament. But how many independents are going to be able to sustain their drive over the years required to win their points, and ultimately strike down the old guard? Even opposing parties would work in tandem against these independents if they were ever to mount a significant threat against their establishments.

The other fat worm in the political woodwork is the lack of voter turnout. Aside from the issues of voters being propagandized by darkly contrived campaigns, slanderous advertising, gossipy innuendoes and mudslinging, the absence of the voter at the ballot box can undermine the whole democratic process and result in Hitlers or Attilas being voted into office as the young people, isolated in their i.poddled states, who do manage to show up don’t bother to take note who is on the slate or what their politics really signify. And the more isolated we allow our young people to become by not engaging them in the political dialogues the more we can expect a kind of loosely advocated anarchy from them.