Sunday, April 10, 2005

Disappearing feathers cont'd.

And now it has been reported that the poacher of dozens of eagles (supposedly sacred to native people) is indeed a native who has been selling the parts to other natives for use in sacred dances and other holy rituals. It is simply not plausible to believe that this poacher has been slaughtering all these eagles all this time and widely reported about in the press without the knowledge of other reserve natives in that area bordering North Vancouver.

The holier-than-thou-native keeper-of-the-sacred-environment image is now getting seriously tarnished.

For halo polish, order soon from that arthritic snake-oil salesman before it’s all gobbled up by Quebec Liberals and that strange lawyer acting for Ahenakew.

Scientists have reported on two-headed toads, the unusual and inexplicable deaths of whales, the extreme negative impact on the world environment of the harvesting of the Amazon forests, rainfall so polluted it causes the head fungus which creates dandruff, the dramatic increase in the numbers of asthmatics, and how we can expect more extreme weather situations thanks to all this greenhouse gassing we’re doing to ourselves. Specifically, that would be the mega-corporations doing to it to us, who have refined the business of industrialization to a deadly T.

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