Sunday, April 03, 2005

U.N. Report cont'd.

Now many of these same scientists were among the academic crowd who warned of global warming some 30 years ago and which was poo-pooed by much of the common media as apocalyptic and overly dramatic. We know now the poo-pooers were dead wrong. Witness the weird weather.

How many times and how many ways must these scientists, motivated only by their commitment to their science and an interest in surviving, repeat themselves until the world’s establishment finally gets the point… or is the corporate fix in so deep it’s beyond hope?

Do we all have to face the global tipping point first? And who would we blame? Those faceless bankers and transnational corporate leaders all so busy “protecting” their shareholders, and driven by their personal addictions to greed.

Our own corporate media here ran an editorial mentioning this report and suggested that it was over the top, saying “..such dire warnings have been heard so often in the past, it’s hard to take them seriously.” Well coming from an enterprise that features two automobile sections daily, is anyone surprised at this position? Their support of these scientists was half-hearted at best and raises the question, “What do these scientists have to say or do now to more illustrate the crisis the whole world is facing?” More than ever now the medium is the message and the fifth estate needs to exercise extreme caution in these cavalier declarations and nonchalant attitudes.

Canada and Vancouver are considered reasonably enlightened areas of this world. It’s literally a crying shame that the 200,000 readers here would be baby fed this right wing, pro-business pablum which results in more cars being sold, more advertising sales, more of the same rationalizing of the demolition of our world. Vroom vroom, we’re dead.

Chatting about corporate advertising and its insidious way of inveigling itself into our minds, has anyone (how could you not) noticed how the corporate logos of TV stations have planted themselves permanently onto our TV screens? Then you have your 12 minutes of irritating ads interrupting anything artistic going on and then add to that mix the corporate placements in the shows themselves – i.e. the FedEX truck drive by - and the line between editorial and advertising becomes seriously blurred. Which one was the program, dear?

Aldous Huxley was warning us all about this kind of intrusion into our lives when he wrote Brave New World. The pill everyone was taking to placate themselves to having their lives managed by the corporate global mind he called Soma. It could just as easily be called SitCom or PrimeTime.

And before leaving happinessland altogether, would someone please tell Godiva’s to put its clothes back on and go be edgy and push someone else’s envelope somewhere else. Another Canadian embarrassment.

by Ms Urble

I see I see with my little eyes all aglaze that you, Aries, will this week finally lose the airheaded one, and good riddance. Blow up a dance balloon gal. Hot air where its useful.

And now with your house in order in Capricorn and the rings around Saturn dancing circles around your halo, you Ford Taurus can finally get a one day pass to take one for a spin.

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