Sunday, April 24, 2005

Moral inaction leads to

We have only ourselves to blame. We elected every one of these two-headed, three-tongued tadpoles to thrash around in their swamp until we no longer recognise this goop called government But one thing’s for sure: every ounce of this slime is Canadiana.

When Paul Martin was the minister of finance for all those years during Chretien’s regime would it not have behooved him to spend a little more time considering moral action against his counterparts in Quebec rather than plotting his Machiavellian rise to power? All these dirty back room deals are coming to light now, and make no mistake they include other parties in Quebec, and poor Pauly is doing the heavy lifting here, now putting at risk not only his current government but Quebec’s continued inclusion as a province in Canada.

When people in power turn a blind eye even slightly to underhanded dealings and the betrayal of the voters’ trust, this moral inaction creates the climate for the weedy growth of corruption. And like weeds, political corruption is exceedingly hard to root out once it’s been permitted to take hold.

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