Sunday, April 24, 2005

Spiritual Osmosis cont'd.

Something has crept into their lives molecule by molecule. Their original optimism, that same enthusiasm of today’s rookie cop, these ethereal elements so vital to the act of courage have been sapped. And in their new disgust they prevail upon the recent graduate to follow their lead, take advantage of their experience. Now the rookie has not only the filth of the criminal element to face every day but must reconcile the attitudinal resignation of his ‘wiser’ peers.

What has insidiously affected so many veterans is a kind of spiritual osmosis - an infecting of their spirit by their constant submersion in the criminal atmosphere. It’s a slippery slope indeed when they are called back to work every day in this frustrating quagmire.

Constable Troy Peters was right to feel “shamed” by the actions of his fellow officers in Stanley Park that night. The administration of police forces everywhere may want to examine this theory of spiritual osmosis before too many more rookies resign themselves to unheroic action.

Both the RCMP and the Vancouver Police have a mandate to detect and bring to justice criminal gang members who are involved in illegal activities. Now, however, that they’ve lawyered up and gone legit laundering their ill-gotten gains into grocery stores, or motorcycle shops etc. the challenge for the woefully understaffed (Vancouver has a police gang squad of one) is becoming maddening for its scope and complexity.

Gone are the days when a lone ranger could gallop into town and do the right thing and jail the pricks. But who is allowing these murderous gang members to metamorphose into contributing members of our economic society? The lawyers, the suppliers, the bankers and you, dear reader, the consumer.

As to the suppliers, President’s Choice president Lederer from Toronto continues to deign not to answer phone calls related to supplying Super Valu on Davie Street (owned by a Hells Angel member). The same applies to Loblaws CEO Gaelon Weston, owner of President’s Choice and of West Fair Foods which franchised that outlet. These back east bigwigs have thumbed their noses at any residents’ concerns here in the west end of the presence of this gang element, a presence apparently welcomed by the Davie Street Business Improvement Association membership (see their letter below in Issue 2).

So doing my little part, might I suggest you join me in boycotting President’s Choice foods? I have no illusions as to how much power I have here raising my little banner in a sea of corporate logos and advertising but if the word gets out and shoppers stop shopping at Super Valu and stop buying President’s Choice foods, one by one we can make that critical difference. Just like Troy Peters did when he raised the alarm about what happened in Stanley Park that night.

Meanwhile, watch for profiles of lawyers acting for criminal gangs in upcoming issues. And if there’s anybody out there in readershipland who knows where Super Valu on Davie does its banking, post a comment.

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