Sunday, April 10, 2005

LamaKing cont'd.

Face immobilized just so the slop hit him rather just between his eyes. Oh dear. The irritable Irish temper in Patrick was busy in the escalating mode while removing his greasy glasses and looking for something of substance and area to wipe his face with. While fulminating with a wicked expression on his face he decided he’d inform the LamaKing that that was in the no-no dept, especially in the domain of pissed off Irishmen. So while wagging his finger rather furiously at the face of Lamaking, the imperious beast interpreted this as a gesture for an encore and so nonchalantly obliged. Another perfectly executed zinger to replace the slop from the last one. At this event, the battle ended unceremoniously with the deposed formerly sentimental King Patrick beating a retreat to the med building, leaving his ping pong opponent in a heap on the grass laughing convulsively, risking an ‘accident.’ LamaKing was kind and left the heaving thing alone holding his stomach.

“Laughter among earthlings is the triumph of an infinitely patient cosmos.”

Now in this province of the globe, we can take receipt from the courier who crossed the shimmering Georgia Straight under the afternoon sun to offer a dose of something to make us west enders feel better within 24 hours (especially after reading all those mundane celebrity stories repeated in that common media), and then actually enjoy reading one thing and that would be The English Bay Banner.

Take a stand. Raise a Banner.

A visiting psychologist was seated with us in our Choseca dining room and our conversation led to a reflection on the quality of knowing. The specialist of the human mind enquired of me, “Why do you think knowing brings with it a sadness?”

This was a question to contemplate and it kept me up that night. The next afternoon I showed the doctor these words.

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