Literacy is freedom.

It came to pass that as the garden diminished, demigods arose. These individuals would claim certain territories and impose their systems upon the people forcing them to live within the arbitrary boundaries of the demigod’s region.
Hoarding of food began and monetary systems invented so in order to eat, service to the demigod was required. Now man was forced into submissiveness by whichever brutal captain he labored under. So private property was invented to delineate each demigod’s territory. War became common not only between these leaders and their blood-thirsty enemies, but war between neighbors arose as man’s spirit was restive and frustrated. Fear ruled. Caste systems were created. Slave generations ensued to serve the will of the demigods. Ancient grudges came into being. New languages were invented as tribes of people remained isolated in distant lands.
People not only lost their knowledge of proper gardening but as the animals were no longer handled with respect, they too became ill and the food chains became polluted. The bodies of the people became infected and so generations of damaged genes ensued.
Their need to love God was masked in the creation of rituals and icon-worshipping. In their hearts they trembled with fear, privately aware something was missing. Their mortality terrified them and as days and months passed their fear increased, their health diminished until at the threshold of death, they withered completely, babbling inanities, their death processes long and full of horror.
The wealthy classes created abominations as they were driven to fill their lives with anything which might distract them from their inevitable fate. Generation after generation would emulate the previous generation, convinced that it was correct to hoard wealth. Like units on a train, everybody following this unexamined living, hurrying ultimately to their useless demise.
Satan was invented, a most useful character to whom blame for living inside iniquity could be ascribed. How easily they could deceive themselves and others now, attributing to this invention of Satan a personality, a source of evil substance.
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