Sunday, May 01, 2005

At a Loss for Words

Yours Truly has witnessed on more than one occasion in rural areas the spectacle of teenagers or young adults getting stoned and beginning to yelp and loudly imitate other animal propensities as they attempt to communicate their euphoria, and when that euphoria is rapidly diminishing and the realization that the stone is over and the money is spent is registering on what’s left of their brainpan, the next stuff that manages to emit itself from between their lips usually is somewhere connected to “Let’s do whatever to get more.” It’s the “whatever” part that will likely be eventually preoccupying the local RCMP.

And where does this stuff come from? Just one example: for the last few years, a criminal biker gang (guess who) has been infiltrating rather blithely the West Kootenay dope-growing and distribution operations putting ‘sitters’ in place and while they run the strippers at the bars, and now offer the soft and hard selections of the dope for the ‘recreational users’ they’ve got the mill workers’ paychecks coming and going in one night of frolicking.

The RCMP there, responsible for all criminal activity in that region, can often be found hiding behind bushes around the underposted Columbia Avenue and - despite the arduous baggage of their weaponry - ready to spring into action and hand out speeding tix. Must be part of their training sessions for the Columbine Squat.

Our taxpayers money being well allocated once again.

Recently a homeless person was featured on a limb of a tree in one of the major dailies here. Does this paper’s editors have nothing better to do with its photographers than to depict this person who is clearly unhappy and then include his name in print in the caption? What on earth was the point except to humiliate the man? Why not depict the leaders and men responsible for all this homelessness and new viciousness we have in this impersonal, sneermeister’s culture? How about an honest picture of Gordo snarling at the destitute?

Add that one to the social mosaic.

More on ‘Man has always been man…’

The April 2, 1897 edition of the Daily News of Omaha, Nebraska, carried an article entitled “Carved stone Buried in a Mine’, which described an object from a mine near Webster City, Iowa. The article stated, “While mining coal today in the Lehigh Coal mine, at a depth of 130 feet, one of the miners came upon a piece of rock which puzzles him and he was unable to account for its presence at the bottom of the coal mine. The stone is of a dark grey colour and about two feet long, one foot wide, and four inches in thickness. Over the surface of the stone , which is very hard, lines are drawn at angles forming perfect diamonds. The centre of each diamond is a fairly good face of an old man having a peculiar indentation in the forehead that appears in each of the pictures, all of them being remarkably alike. Of the faces, all but two are looking to the right. How the stone reached its position under the strata of sandstone at a depth of 130 feet is a question the miners are not attempting to answer. Where the stone was found the miners are sure the earth had never before been disturbed.” The Lehigh coal is dated from the Carboniferous period (between 320 and 360 million years ago).

In the course of time, there were three basic types of flying machines (aka vimanas). In the age of Treta-yuga, (some 2 million years ago) men were adept in mantras or potent hymns. Thus, the flying machines of that age were powered by human sound and knowledge of mantras. In another ancient age, men had developed considerable knowledge of tantra, or ritual. Thus, the vimanas of the age of Dvapara-yuga were powered by the use of tantric knowledge. In Kali-yuga (our current age), knowledge of both mantra and tantra are deficient. Thus, the vimanas of this age are known as kritaka, artificial or mechanical. In this way, there are three main types of vimanas, Vedic airplanes, according to the characteristics of each yuga.

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