By deferring to their lawyers (the last faction of society where one would expect to find champions of justice), daily newspaper editors and news producers at CBC and CTV have apparently found convenient excuses to ignore the lead story of Issue 9. While satisfying their publishers that they have protected their institutions from exposure to a civil suit their self-serving neglect puts members of the public at continued risk.
Ultimately, this is a form of sickly apathy, that kind of criminal neglect which for example creates a willingness on the part of a newspaper institution to run a bank ad on page one while a story appears on page 34 about that bank’s criminal affairs; and a story on the ethics of cashing that bank’s cheque will likely never appear.
Meanwhile, a gang of thugs operate with impunity intimidating reporters and Crown prosecutors, entrenching a spidery network ever deeper into a limp-along society which blithely believes in its self righteousness for supporting charity runs and whose more sanctimonious members exhort with their plastic trumpets a peculiar notion of ‘family values.’
Lawyers, given their clear record of deliberately obfuscating the problematic issues affecting a society’s evolution to a state of prevailing goodness (i.e. writing the clause which prevented the free flow of generic AIDS drugs to Africa), are the least expected to function as beacons of light and now it seems they are pulling Vancouver’s editors’ strings. No heroes in that dark play.
This issue number 10 of The English Bay Banner will, as a testament to this grotesque indifference of Vancouver’s common media, repeat the contents of last issue in the vague hope that more simmering might enliven a conscience somewhere.
“Where there is no publicity there is no justice.” Daniel Burnett, lawyer for Vancouver Sun.
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Texas Holdem Free
Immediately after the lay-flop followed by a second auction in hand. This time it starts with the first player left of the dealer and going clockwise rotation.
Players have three options in this situation:
Waiting (English: CHECK) - transmission queue to the next player without boost, wait out the play, which is a form of passive play or attempt to pry into what others are doing. This play is only possible when no one in front of us did not raise rates.
Raise (BET) - propose a game on a higher rate. If someone has already done it before us, and we want to play for big money at this point, we are talking about the piercing (RAISE). Set in the time of a new "price" for further participation in the pot for the other players.
Check (CALL) - alignment to conquer made by the previous player, accept to continue the game after the proposed higher rates, but without the piercing. The game can not go on, if all the other players do not check to top the last boost (or breakdown).
Of course, at any time, if it gets hot on the table and our cards in combination with the flop is not the strongest, remains safely withdraw from the game by ...
The fitting ... (FOLD) - that is, leave the game and lose all raised to date facilities and blinds.
Jake Smith
Dario Lutze
After the "burn" cards from the top deck, leading the game teaches at the center of the table fourth community card for all that, like the previous three can be used to assemble the strongest poker. This card is called in English "turn" (there is actually Polish names, the players remain with the original terminology in English).
After the liner followed by a third auction in a similar way as before. The only difference is that the minimum raise, which previously was the big blind now be doubled. Texas Holdem - River
Finally a fifth community card is lined up on the table and all remaining players assess its impact on the final system they can create with the disposal of a total of seven cards (5 per table plus two added).
Followed by the last betting round (unless all players przeczekają it without boost) and participants who have not yet folded pass to compare systems. Texas Holdem - Showdown
Showdown or presentation (comparison) systems starts with the final conquering rate at the last auction (the player tested). He must show his two hole cards and thus betray the people what is the final system. Subsequent players who tested his conquest assess the strength of your hand, and if it is stronger naturally also show him to take the pot, but if you have a weaker system, they can just throw their cards without showing them, thereby recognizing his defeat.
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Darek Sałata
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