Sunday, June 19, 2005

Brew of Hoopla cont'd.

While this slopping over our borders of this uniquely American brew of evangelistic hoopla should come as no surprise to the few Canadians left who have not succumbed to a state of stunned miasma as disseminated through overexposure to laugh tracks and soap operas, we should take heed and gird ourselves for the arrival within our borders of such radiant notables as the born-again Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, with Tammy Faye bringing up the rear with her new line of Jesus Loves My Eye Care products.

Given the recently published photograph of Stephen Harper imitating a quarterback, one can be forgiven for appreciating that any refurbishing of his image in whatever new peculiar association may be a vast improvement over his current status, including branding him as the savior of our very own misguided families, one and all.

How can he lose? How can this organization of right wing zealots be considered anything but sanctimonious when they repeat, repeat, repeat in our ears that’s it’s our family’s welfare they’re thinking about? And anybody who votes against them is really saying that they’re anti-family.

According to one former Liberal currently scouting for any party of integrity, “Well forgive me if I appear anti-daddy, anti-mommy, anti-son, and anti-daughter but when I see these horses’ asses rearing their way up my trail I’m gonna take Thoreau’s advice and head out the back door and over them thar hills as fast as I can git. And leave that proselytizing gang of Harper’s bizarre born-again friends focusing on my behind, in search of what dregs they may find to feed their nincompoopery.” Sound familiar?

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