Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cyber.scribe responds to Globe Piece

The cyber.scribe meanwhile is truly independent, unshackled from advertisers’ whims and enjoying a perspective which permits a broad range of thoughts and ideas to be perused and seriously examined. It’s the forums of the cyber.scribes where one may find the original resolutions stemming from the honest dialogue of his peers as they all (or most) express their desire to live and function in a more just society, now with global repercussions. “The new vanguard of democratic journalism?” Why not? Sure beats the old guard of compromised souls peddling someone else’s brand of truth, justice and their American way – war, extreme poverty and that old standard: obscene greed.

And when there is an issue requiring a resolution, it’s the common media’s tactic to throw up a storm of excitable rhetoric and then quickly bored go on about their sniffing for something sensational for the next day’s headlines. How canine. Meanwhile, the original issue is never resolved, people get tired of hearing about it and the rot deepens. Serious communicators, be they cyber.scribes or e-zine creators, tend to be more real and like the upcoming Live8 concerts have real resolutions to offer. It’s precisely among that crowd you’ll find your heroes.

As to the paucity of original material you find on cyber.scribes' sites, well, that’s simple enough: no moolah for sustained investigative efforts and no resources as in weight to throw around to sway people to cooperate with those investigations explains this occasional lack. (But you couldn’t accuse this site of unoriginality.)

As to having an ultimate impact, on my own site, every time I create a news story as in the violence at Super Valu, I have to shovel it over to the common media to get any attention to it. And their latest response to the scoop in Issue 9 (being none so far) illustrates that their own credentials are somewhat lacking in the investigative reporter department. There have been two manslaughters in the downtown area which went uncharged recently, both relating to a criminal faction in our society which seems to have successfully intimidated even our law enforcement people, let alone the meek folks of the common media.

So is the world going to hell, as you suggest Mr Tossell that cyber.scribes believe? Well, if the common media of the world continue to dazzle us with celebrity sleaze and war-mongering fictions, I’d suggest that Yup, maybe indeed it is. What could be more hellish than Iraq, Afganistan, Guantanamo Bay, Haiti, Africa, the Middle East, the turmoil in Europe… hell, just ask a homeless person right here under our noses.

The common local media with all their reporters, thoughtful editors and shrewd publishers and even a spiritual columnist have left those people homeless for years, and their numbers doubling. That issue not flashy enough? For shame on all of you behind that castle wall.

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