Sunday, June 05, 2005

Election Remnants

How interesting to see how the vote broke out in the west end.

Apparently we have our very own version of blue and red states. The newly rich, or just weary rich among the new developments, voted for the party impersonating Liberals while the NDP support was rooted in the apartment dwellers’ territory in the inner west end mostly between Robson and Davie and Chilco and Burrard.
So the well-heeled voted for the guy under whose policies were singularly responsible for the doubling of the homeless numbers and the unstitching of the so-called social safety net.

Had the homeless been more visible perhaps in Yaletown or in Coal Harbour, I wonder how the elitists might have felt then about their plight, having to rub shoulders with those untouchables. Maybe if the destitute go camp in those neighbourhoods we might see some real action for affordable housing and some pretense of concern for social justice.

The NDP obviously ran a lacklustre campaign when an NDP minister can’t defeat a man even the Mayor calls a “menace.”

Trivia Time
Laim Campain is
i) an Irish drink?
ii) A Scottish Actor leading a medieval assault against the Saxons;
iii) a Social Credit lawn sign;
iv) what the reverend ran in the West End.
(see upside down answer in Issue A-1 of last year’s Farmer’s Almanac)

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