Sunday, June 19, 2005

China’s Invasion of Canada

1200 Chinese spies are here and we are to believe that their sole purpose is to follow the members of the Falon Gong around the world to see what havoc they might be wreaking thousands of miles away from their homeland?

Gong. Wakey, wakey.

Here we have our Canada - which Canadians appreciate so much that we almost let it split in two, and may yet – rich in water and mineral resources, vast tracts of unpopulated land, of reasonable moderate climate unless you prefer dog sleds to BMW’s, hordes of meek people so nice that we’ve thrown our borders open to Jamaican drug dealers, Russian mobsters, Vietnamese gangs, and David Wilkins, and all in the name of multiculturalism and now we’re hosting 1200 spies from that warm and sunny home of Tiananmen Square.


Currently being leaderless, we have permitted our politicians of all warped stripes and dubious moral textures to extend their hands in fellowship to this undemocratic country of enormous military strength. While our publicly supported media showcases our embarrassment and the intricacies of the workings of our government, and regularly features the hapless state of our military, we permit 1200 professional spies to slither through every crack and cranny of our limp-along society note-taking for their superiors precisely where we keep the keys to the back door.


We have an immigration policy that is basically driven by economics where if one family were to arrive with sufficient capital no one in that fuzzy-headed ministry, let alone at the helm of this bloated bureaucracy, would ever challenge their application for landed status. It was during the reign of Willy Vander Zalm that this policy of fattening our coffers with immigrant moolah was most promoted and which resulted in a huge bulging of our Vancouver numbers, changing the social mosaic permanently. And guess who rich people vote for?


But farbeit from me to suggest an invasion is imminent. We have, after all, a most capable military. Our fleet of subs and helicopters alone are enough to put the fear of God in any country possibly contemplating an uninvited landing on our shores. And in Vancouver alone, we would have untold numbers of Asian immigrants joyously fattening the rolls of our beleaguered military.

Gong. Gong.

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