Sunday, June 19, 2005

Invasive spies cont'd.

Well, if that didn’t pan out, our inspiring burger-faced leader Paul Martin could always conscript the dope smokers from the Kootenays, native inmates, liquor store malingerers and French Canadian bank robbers to fill out those new military uniforms we bought and paid for a few years back. Olive on olive, I think it was but not to worry: with Queer as Folk in its last manifestation this season as an artistic venture, we’ll have no shortage of willing costume designers.

Invasion? Nah. Why bother? Just send in your 1200 spies and tell them to read our immigration policies (those same policies which prevent young people from South America trying to visit here) and then hand them a free map locating with an ‘X’ all those resources for sale.

Canada has always been for sale. We have posted our Open for Business sign long ago and witnessed much of our resource base being traded off to the United States in the form of company shares and long term leases. And as long as we permit our so-called leaders to negotiate our resources with authoritarian countries like China who persecute their intellectuals, stymie the use of the internet, and harangue members of a religious group within our own borders, our most pressing concern shouldn’t be about an ‘invasion’ but rather our supply of gate grease.

So meet me on the shores of English Bay and altogether now,
“This land is your land.
This land is your land.
From Bona Vista to Tianamen Square…”


More on the Invasion front…

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