Sunday, June 19, 2005

Seething Mothers

There are 1700+ more mothers (and dads and brothers and sisters) and one can never tell when a groundswell of protest might hit its tipping point and bring down a government.

If more Americans were to expose themselves to European newscasts and the opinions of Europeans generally, they may find that they are becoming increasingly isolated by world opinion and that America is losing critical ground in the role it may play in shaping the new world order.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about what he did in the darkened corridors of the Whitehouse with a lipstick-smeared intern. But many believe those actions don’t hold a candle to what George Bush is currently doing on his war rampage.

Countless Iraqi civilians have been killed and deeper divisions have been carved into their unstable society since Bush’s campaign in his “war against terror.”

If Bonifaz and the grieving American mothers have their say, the war against a true terrorist will be fought where it belongs, on American soil, targeting a place of some recent disrepute, the Whitehouse.

And yet another on a George front…

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